Rita Rütsche

Rita.2015.IMG_2223I have been studying, teaching and learning about self-development, physical recovery and well-being for 30 years now.

Various methods taught me to improve and refine my capacity of perception and body knowledge.

The practice of the various branches of yoga and my activity as a yoga teacher formed the basic ground of my work with the body and all it’s aspects.

The Grinberg Method made me conscious of the fact that humans are in a continuous learning process and gave me a perfectly structured way of approaching the body in order to efficiently teach people in a very practical way to develop their perceptions and consciousness and control over their body.  The Method’s technics diminish our own suffering, grow and encourage our abilities and greatly enhance personal development.

Hsin Tao with its thousand-year-old exercises teaches me in a subtle way to perfectly let go of unnecessary efforts, enjoy and perceive the delicate balance between being active and passive.

Finally MLC allows me to decode further the multiple messages of the body, takes me to profound relaxation and contributes to always more subtlety and precision in my touch during the sessions with my clients.  Last but not least MLC contributes to develop my patience and humility in front of the intelligence of the body.

I speak currently French, English and German and I am happy to teach in these three languages.

I am the author of a workshop on improving self-expression called:

Free, fresh and spontaneous

and a booklet on stress management in daily life

Serene under pressure