On conclusions from the past and last weekend 21.5.14

I just came back from my studies in MLC. (Méthode de libération des Cuirasses) We looked at old conclusions we took in our lives and how we keep them unconsciously, without checking if they are still valid today. Such conclusions create a strong impact on our bodies and choices in life. In the eyes of the « conclusion – keeper » it looks evident that life is as we decided to see it. This way we can, at 40, still be the well-behaved little girl our parents preferred and we decided to put on, in order to be appreciated or loved. Conclusions are like roles we learned and mistook them for “this is what I am, this is what life is about”. « I am not enough », « life is not secure » I cannot be what I want, if I do, other people will suffer », “Life is a fight” etc, etc. These beliefs make us miserable, sick and take a tremendous amount of our freedom and joy in life.


It was amazing to see the change in all of us, once we started dropping old conclusions that are not valid anymore today. People were shining, happier, more human, naturally attentive and caring and with much more confidence. Our true essence was showing and similar to the flowers in the room that were gently opening and stretching their petals to the light and displaying all their beauty.
