About our toughest battles

I came across this text today and really think it is worthwhile reflecting on this. Another description of the battle with our behavior patterns!

The toughest battle fought by people are the inherited ones because, in almost all cases, they have no idea why they’ve got to do it in the first place. It just came into them disguised as education (cultural, political, economical, religious, taboos, societal, etc.). It is baffling and harsh because it frequently contradicts their own human nature. This happens because those conditioning, at a certain point, start segregating them, separating them into a fragmented, broken and divisive way of living. Then, when the whole is shattered into pieces, an inevitable mess takes place, i.e., confusion, distresses, all sorts of misleading senses of superiority or inferiority, satisfaction and disappointment, pleasure and pain, freedom and restraint, success and failure that, as a consequence, crashes people’s mind and feelings into bits that are hard to be mended together again. On top of that, many people spend their entire lives unaware of their inherited battles, the inhuman and detrimental implications of those perpetuation and, most importantly, the totally wrong misconception that they could be ever won, regardless of the doctrines they try to uphold and defend. It requires a tremendous individual effort and an unflinching lucidity to rid oneself from the shackles of historically prevailing mindsets, but when such an extraordinary change happens, a gorgeous and sublime new dawn opens up in the path of such a sublime, wise and loving human being. 

(Tadany – 18 10 14)